Kas yra MGO BAF?
MGO BAF kompensuoja laivo degalų kainos svyravimus. Jei kaina pakils virš tam tikro lygio, bus taikoma priemoka.
Integruoti sprendimai
Logistikos sprendimaiTiekimo grandinės sprendimaiTrečiosios šalies logistika (3PL)Ketvirtosios šalies logistika (4PL)SandėliavimasInformacijos perdavimo sprendimaiProjektiniai kroviniaiMuitinės dokumentų tvarkymasDekarbonizuoti sprendimaiSutartinė logistikaUnits wider than 2.6 metres
Trailers longer than 14 metres
Lorries longer than 17 metres
Our experts are here to answer your questions and provide support whenever you need it.
Address Ghannam Mall (DPC), at the Front of Damietta Port Main Gate, 3rd floor Damietta, Egypt
Opening hours 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Contact Tel: +2 057 22 92 801 Email: roro.cs@pan-marine.com
Customer service Tel: +90 537 956 16 00 / +90 507 500 05 70
Sales Tel: +90 537 956 16 00 / +90 507 500 05 70 Email: egypt.med@dfds.com
Address Porto di Trieste, Loc. Pun Franco Nuovo Riva Traiana Stabilimento di Samer 34123 Trieste Italy
Opening hours 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Terminal contact Tel: +39 040 670 27 11 Email: commercial@samer.com
Booking, customer service and sales Tel: +90 216 585 15 00
Sales Email: trieste.med@dfds.com