Solid result for 2023

536A3688 - electric trucks in dark blue DFDS livery - Hero picture Q4 2023 report

Q4 2023 results DFDS A/S

We’re pleased to deliver a solid result for 2023 despite challenging freight markets. Our ferry and logistics network has been expanded significantly, and in 2024 we will focus on unlocking value as we start executing our new strategic and financial ambitions.

Revenue - Icon - 100 x 100 px

Revenue up 2% to DKK 27.3bn

Ebitda Icon - Q2 report - Icon row

EBITDA of​ DKK 5.0bn in line with Win23

Cashflow icon, large

Total capital distribution of DKK 600m

Icon 4 Q2 2023

Ferry CO2 emission intensity reduced 5%

Outlook 2024

Revenue is expected to grow by 5-8% in 2024. The EBIT outlook for 2024 is DKK 2.0-2.4bn (2023: DKK 2.3bn), and the Adjusted free cash flow is expected to be around DKK 1.5bn.

Q4 2023 Report

Read DFDS' full financial report for the fourth quarter of 2023, and access other relevant links:

Report (EN)

Report (DK)

DFDS Q4 2023 Excel file

Conference Call link

Investor Call Slides

Q4 Key figures 2023 1565x330px AHV

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