Dormindo a bordo Klaipeda-Kiel

Нощувки на борда – Клайпеда до Кил
Отпуснете се в нашите уютни каюти, всички от които са със собствен санитарен възел за ваше уединение и удобство.Нашите каюти от клас Seaways са удобни и предлагат точно това, от което се нуждаете за добър нощен сън.
Преминете към по-горния клас Commodore, за да се възползвате от допълнителни екстри, като двойно легло, телевизор с плосък екран, минибар и румсървис.
Ако пътувате икономично, можете да се настаните в нашия удобен салон с накланящи се седалки.
Lounge Area - Klaipeda to Kiel
The lounge area is open to all guests and is situated on Deck 5.
The area is equipped with 116 soft adjustable seats, so you can recline and relax on your journey between Klaipeda and Kiel. There are also shelves available for you to store your belongings on (Victoria Seaways ferry only).
There is also a shower and WC available for guest use.
Wifi is free for 30 min for all the passengers.
Cabines a bordo
Experiência a bordo

Onboard Klaipeda-Kiel
Sail between Lithuania and Germany and enjoy access to an array of fantastic onboard facilities, including restaurants, shopping and more.

Proudly named the World’s Leading Ferry Operator
We did it! After being crowned ‘Europe’s Leading Ferry Operator 2024’ at the World Travel Awards earlier this year, we are delighted to announce we have retained our title as the World’s Leading Ferry Operator.
We were also once again recognised as having the best website in our industry – scooping both the European and World awards in 2024.
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who voted, and to our passengers, colleagues and partners who contribute to our continued success – we couldn’t do it without you all.