Special car signs
Special signs used in cars
The process of embarking on a ferry is influenced by a number of different factors - the quantity and structure of the cargo and its attachment; number and age of passengers, number of passengers traveling with children, number of disabled passengers; number of buses and individual vehicles; time of arrival or delay of the ferry; vehicle failure or damage during loading.
To help make boarding fast and painless, please read the meaning and importance of the signs below. However, we would like to point out that the arrival of the priority passengers is also very important. When boarding starts, there will be a greater chance of placing their vehicles in a more convenient place, avoiding climbing stairs from the lower decks. In turn, if you arrive at the end of boarding, the sign giving priority rights may no longer mean much, as the car will be parked where is available space.
De bedste til søs!
Vi er glade for at kunne meddele, at DFDS igen er blevet udnævnt til Europas Førende Færgeoperatør 2024 ved det prestigefyldte World Travel Awards.
Denne udmærkelse havde ikke været mulig uden jer, vores kære passagerer. Tak for at anerkende det hårde arbejde leveret af vores fantastiske team, som dedikerer sig til, at hver rejse er lige så enestående som den forrige.
Jeres evige støtte er nøglen til vores succes.