Field to Ferry - Dunkirk to Dover
Our Field to Ferry concept celebrates the great quality of fresh, seasonal produce provided by our carefully selected suppliers. They offer quality ingredients to provide our passengers with outstanding, fresh food with traceability and provenance at its heart.
Want to see our Field to Ferry process in action? Watch our short film to find out more.

High Quality Food
So, next time you're onboard, why not enjoy a delicious meal in our 7 Seas or Horizon restaurant or a light bite in our Lighthouse Café, knowing that the ingredients you are eating are of the highest quality.
Read about our wonderful suppliers in our brochure below.
Restaurants Onboard

Onboard Dunkirk-Dover
Our Dover to Dunkirk crossing takes 2 hours with a host of facilities to keep you occupied. Enjoy a meal onboard with a range of vegetarian and gluten free options and visit our duty free shop with savings of up to 50% vs UK high street. The children's play area and Jack's Treasure Hunt app will keep the little ones happy too.

De bedste til søs!
Vi er glade for at kunne meddele, at DFDS igen er blevet udnævnt til Europas Førende Færgeoperatør 2024 ved det prestigefyldte World Travel Awards.
Denne udmærkelse havde ikke været mulig uden jer, vores kære passagerer. Tak for at anerkende det hårde arbejde leveret af vores fantastiske team, som dedikerer sig til, at hver rejse er lige så enestående som den forrige.
Jeres evige støtte er nøglen til vores succes.