Detský klub na trase Klaipėda – Karlshamn
Pri cestovaní je pre rodinu jedna z najväčších výziev zabaviť deti. Na našich lodiach je, našťastie, k dispozícii detský kútik, kde sa malí cestovatelia môžu zabaviť. Drobci si skrátia čas v bezpečnom a zábavnom prostredí, kde sa môžu hrať, kresliť si alebo pozerať rozprávky, zatiaľ čo ich rodičia si oddýchnu a užijú vymoženosti, ktoré im trajekt ponúka.
Zážitok na palube
Onboard Klaipeda-Karlshamn
Our ferries between Sweden and Lithuania boast excellent onboard facilities to ensure smooth sailing on your overnight crossing.
Championing the Seas!
We're elated to announce that DFDS has once again retained its title as Europe’s Leading Ferry Operator at the 2024 World Travel Awards.
This accolade wouldn’t have been possible without you, our loyal passengers. Thank you for recognising the hard work of our exceptional team members who are dedicated to ensuring each voyage is as exceptional as the next.
Your ongoing support is the anchor to our success.