Governance and Policies
Our initiatives for corporate governance, diversity, and remuneration are making steady progress. Policies are continuously evaluated with due consideration to current legislation, practice and recommendations. DFDS follows NASDAQ Copenhagen’s recommendations for good corporate governance.
Different skills and ways of seeing the world strengthens our ability to fulfil our vision. DFDS’ workforce should reflect the society in which we live and work. Our action plan contains specific short- and long-term initiatives. Each year, we will report on our goals and progress.
Remuneration contributes to attracting, retaining and motivating management and employees and ensuring harmony between the interests of colleagues and shareholders. Remuneration of management and staff takes place in relation to performance and results and on competitive conditions in relation to comparable companies.
Internal control
The purpose of DFDS’ internal control and risk management system, as applied in the preparation of accounts, is to efficiently control the risk of significant misinformation. The Board of Directors approves the policies for risk management prepared by the Executive Board, and the Executive Board implements processes to monitor important risks.
Code of Conduct
DFDS has a number of policies that set a framework for how we should behave in a number of areas. However, there will still be issues where laws and policies do not provide sufficient guidance. Here sound judgment should tell us how to act and as a basis for such judgment, we have the DFDS Code of Conduct to assist in solving the dilemmas that may arise from time to time.
Whistleblower system
The DFDS Compliance Line is a website managed by an independent third party, EthicsPoint, with the highest levels of security and confidentiality. It may be used to report issues safely that people feel they cannot share with their manager.
Climate Policy
Being a transport and logistics provider, we are conscious of the footprint we have – both in terms of the environment but also relating to our employees and the people we impact through our value chain. This policy contains a general framework to ensure that environmental and climate-related concerns are being prioritized throughout the entirety of our business.
Biodiversity Policy
The purpose of this policy is to articulate DFDS' commitment to protecting and enhancing biodiversity across all areas of operation. It outlines the scope, guiding principles, and the governance structure put in place to ensure efficient implementation of the biodiversity policy within DFDS.
Sustainable Energy Policy
As a ferry operator and logistics service provider, we recognise that our business activities have an impact on both local environments where fuel is produced, where we operate and the global climate. The purpose of this policy is to set minimum requirements for energy sources that fall under DFDS Decarbonised solutions.
Data Ethics
The digital transformation of society is progressing at a rapid pace. The use of data has become an indispensable discipline that improves society in a variety of ways. We are committed to ensuring that employees, customers and business partners can entrust us with their data. We are determined to handle data in a sustainable manner and with great care. We recognise that digital development entails both responsibility and transparency.

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DFDS has a two-tier management structure with an independent Board of Directors.

Taking responsibility
DFDS aspires to act responsibly when we carry passangers and freight on our ships and provide transport and logistics solutions to manufacturers.