In Q2 DFDS increased the revenue by 4% due to continuous improvement, higher than foreseen volume growth and focus on customers
- EBITDA outlook for 2015 raised to DKK 1.8-1.9bn from DKK 1.65-1.75bn
- The Board of Directors proposes semi-annual dividends, to pay an interim divi-dend of extra DKK 9 per share in 2015 and to split each share into five (1:5)
- Financial goal of a return on invested capital (ROIC) of 10% achieved
- Revenue increased by 4% to DKK 3.4bn, organic growth increased to 6%
- Operating profit (EBITDA) increased by 37% to DKK 551m
- Profit from shipping activities exceeded expectations, logistics activities were in line with expectations
DFDS increased revenue in Q2 by 4% to DKK 3.4bn. EBITDA before special items increased by 37% to DKK 551m. For the last twelve months a return on invested capital (ROIC) before special itemsof 10.3% was achieved, up from 8.0% for the full-year 2014.
All areas of shipping activities improved results in Q2, with particularly strong performance in the Passenger and Channel business units. Volume growth for both freight and passengers was strongest on routes calling the UK. Increasing unit revenues in some markets and more efficient operations also contributed to improving results. The logistics activities’ performance was overall in line with expectations.
“Our shipping activities produced another strong quarter reaping benefits from customer focus, continuous improvement and higher than foreseen volume growth. We are very pleased to have achieved the Group’s financial goal of a return on invested capital of at least 10%. In both our shipping and logistics activities we continue to work on multiple opportunities to further improve performance,” says CEO Niels Smedegaard.
Following the Q2 result and expectations of continued growth, the outlook for EBITDA is raised to DKK 1.8-1.9bn before special items from DKK 1.65-1.75bn in May and DKK 1.55-1.65bn at the beginning of the year.
The Board of Directors proposes semi-annual dividend payments going forward and to pay an interim dividend of DKK 9 per share of DKK 100 already in September as an extra distribution this year. Moreover, to split each share of DKK 100 into five shares of DKK 20. As part of the share buyback programme 350,000 shares (before split) are proposed to be cancelled. The proposals and notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting are detailed in separate announcements today.
Contact persons Niels Smedegaard, CEO +45 33 42 34 00
Torben Carlsen, CFO +45 33 42 32 01
Søren Brøndholt Nielsen, IR +45 33 42 33 59