Our Policies
Our policies help secure transparency and accurate reporting
We have a number of distinct policies in areas such as diversity and inclusion, health and safety, the environment, and greenhouse gases. We continuously review our policies and update them, to ensure we do business responsibly and meet our key stakeholders’ expectations.
Climate & Environment Policy
Being a transport and logistics provider, we are conscious of the footprint we have – both in terms of the environment but also relating to our employees and the people we impact through our value chain. This policy contains a general framework to ensure that environmental and climate-related concerns are being prioritized throughout the entirety of our business.
Sustainable Energy Policy
As a ferry operator and logistics service provider, we recognise that our business activities have an impact on both local environments where fuel is produced, where we operate and the global climate. The purpose of this policy is to set minimum requirements for energy sources that fall under DFDS Decarbonised solutions.
Different skills and ways of seeing the world strengthens our ability to fulfil our vision
DFDS’ workforce should reflect the society in which we live and work. Our action plan contains specific short- and long-term initiatives. Each year, we will report on our goals and progress.
Being a responsible employer
As a responsible employer, we are fully committed to respecting human rights as defined by the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Our Labour Code of Conduct clearly defines our standards on topics like wages, working hours, discrimination, child labour, and other human rights-related areas.
Group Health & Safety Policy
DFDS has health & safety as a core element of the DFDS identity and business success to benefit employees, contractors, customers, and the communities we operate in. We value human life above all other considerations and will not compromise our health and safety ambitions.
Anti-slavery & human trafficking statement
DFDS is committed to ensuring that modern slavery and human trafficking does not exist within its supply chain or within any part of the DFDS organisation.
Corporate Governance
Our initiatives for corporate governance, diversity, and remuneration are making steady progress. Policies are continuously evaluated with due consideration to current legislation, practice and recommendations. DFDS follows NASDAQ Copenhagen’s recommendations for good corporate governance.
Code of Conduct
This guide sets the direction for how we act responsibly on- and offline, treat each other with respect, and respond to ethical issues in a sound manner. It is directly linked to the UN Global Compact’s 10 principles and covers topics like human rights, diversity and discrimination, environmental protection and anticorruption.
Supplier Code of Conduct
Our Supplier Code of Conduct is based on the UN Global Compact and Guiding Principles on Environment, Labor Practices, Business Ethic and Human Rights. DFDS’ Supplier Code of Conduct sets the standard for our supply chain to operate in accordance with business principles expressed by this code and conform to all applicable laws, rules and regulations where our suppliers operate. We expect suppliers to adopt a policy statement fully committed to the international principles and standards and to develop and implement relevant management systems appropriate for a company of their size in line with our Supplier Code of Conduct. We strengthened our supply chain sustainability commitment by establishing a compliance and sustainability function in DFDS Group Procurement in 2019.
Data Ethics
The digital transformation of society is progressing at a rapid pace. The use of data has become an indispensable discipline that improves society in a variety of ways. We are committed to ensuring that employees, customers and business partners can entrust us with their data. We are determined to handle data in a sustainable manner and with great care. We recognise that digital development entails both responsibility and transparency.
Respecting human rights
At DFDS, we recognise the importance of respecting human rights across our activities. We hold firm expectations for our employees, suppliers, and third-party business partners to uphold the values and commitments outlined in our Human Rights Policy.
Whistleblower System
The DFDS Compliance Line is an independent website that may be used by employees, customers, and other stakeholders to report breaches of either the law or DFDS' own Code of Conduct if people feel they cannot inform their manager or contact person at DFDS. We take all violations seriously, and we make every effort to investigate reports and learn from them to prevent future cases. Each incident is discussed at our audit committee.