Going to Estonia HERO

Ferry trip to Estonia


Ferry from Sweden to Estonia

Planning a trip to Estonia by car? Save your energy and your car and choose a DFDS ferry from Kapellskar to Paldiski! During your trip you will be able to rest in comfortable cabins, have a delicious dinner and breakfast at the ferry-operated restaurants, and pick gifts for yourself and your loved ones at the ferry shop.

Daily crossings

Travel with your vehicle

No baggage restrictions

Enjoy a meal onboard

    Save time and fuel

    Convenient schedule

    Reach Estonia from Sweden in less than 10 hours



Week 30

Friday, July 26, 2024

Check-in closes20:00

All times shown are in local time.

Please note that timetables may change subject to weather conditions.

UK Passenger map all routes

All DFDS Ferry Routes

DFDS has one of the largest ferry networks in Europe, with routes operating to Denmark, Norway, the UK, Ireland, mainland Europe and even the Baltic regions, including major cities such as Copenhagen, Oslo and Amsterdam. Travel with your car and open the gateway to Europe with DFDS.

Our routes

Travel guides

Couple onboard Eastern Channel Ferry

Laevareiside ning minikruiiside pakkumised

Parvlaevaga reisimine on suurepärane viis Euroopa linnade külastamiseks. Saate oma jalad välja sirutada, puhata või tegeleda erinevate asjadega. Meie suurepärased pakkumised tähendavad, et järgmise parvlaevareisi või lühipuhkuse ajal kontinendile saate raha kokku hoida.

Vaadake kõiki meie suurepäraseid pakkumisi siit.


Championing the Seas!  

We're elated to announce that DFDS has once again retained its title as Europe’s Leading Ferry Operator at the 2024 World Travel Awards.

This accolade wouldn’t have been possible without you, our loyal passengers. Thank you for recognising the hard work of our exceptional team members who are dedicated to ensuring each voyage is as exceptional as the next.

Your ongoing support is the anchor to our success.

Prices are subject to availability. Telephone booking fees apply. Terms and conditions apply.