DFDS issues a five-year NOK 700m senior unsecured bond as a part of an ongoing process to optimize DFDS’ financing structure

Today, DFDS has issued a five-year NOK 700m senior unsecured bond maturing in March 2018.

The bond issue is part of an ongoing process to optimize DFDS’ financing structure. The combination of bond and bank financing increases flexibility and diversifies the loan portfolio. DFDS issued its first corporate bond of NOK 500m in April 2012.

The bonds will be listed on Olso Børs (Oslo Stock Exchange). Nordea and SEB have acted as joint lead managers of the bond issue.

The bond has been issued with a floating rate in NOK which will be swapped into a floating Danish interest rate corresponding to a three month CIBOR interest rate plus 265 basis points.

“This is DFDS’ second corporate bond issue and we are very pleased with the continued high level of investor interest. The placement of NOK 700m attracted an even more diversified investor base than our first bond issue in 2012,” says Torben Carlsen, Executive Vice President and CFO of DFDS.

Contact persons:

Torben Carlsen, CFO, +45 33 42 32 01

Søren Brøndholt Nielsen, IR, +45 33 42 33 59

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