DFDS Jubilee Fund
About the Fund

Foundation and Purpose
The Jubilee Fund was established in 1916 on the occasion of DFDS' 50th jubilee with the purpose of using the returns of the Fund's capital to support persons who are or have been employed by DFDS or left behind by such persons.
When assessing applications from both employees and their relatives, the length of employment of the DFDS employee is taken into account. Also the diligence and proficiency of the DFDS employee’s work are also considered in the assessment.
Any questions to the Jubilee Fund or the application can be directed by e-mail to jubileefund@dfds.com.

Criteria for application
The grant is awarded to the valuable in need, current or former DFDS employees or their surviving relatives. Valuable needy is primarily understood as:
- Grants for those in financial need due to own or family illness or accidents
- Grants for disease treatment and / or recreation not covered by local health care system or insurance
- Grants for retraining or other help in retaining the job due to attrition or illness
The application must be completed in the template "Application form".
The application must be filled with all required information and you will after the submission be contacted by DFDS.
If you have any questions to the application please contact
Deadline for grants and application
To be considered for a grant, applications must be sent to the Fund no later than the last working day in April and October.
Applications received after the application deadline are automatically transferred to the next round. Exceptionally, applications after the application deadline may be considered if special circumstances prevail.
Grants are awarded either as one-time benefits or as a periodic benefit. A maximum of DKK 50,000 grants (approx. EUR 7,600) will be awarded per calendar year per person.
Tax information
All grants will be taxable for the receiver.
For persons liable to taxation in Denmark, DFDS will ensure reporting of grants to the tax authorities.
For persons not liable for taxation in Denmark, you will have the responsibility to report to the grant in the country where you are a taxable.