Sustainable fuels for the future
Read about our sustainable fuels

Member of the UN global compact
As of April 2015, DFDS joined the United Nations Global Compact. It includes a set of 10 universally accepted rules within the fields of human rights, labour, environment and anticorruption. With over 12,000 members in over 145 countries, it is the largest voluntary CSR initiative in the world.

Taking responsibility
DFDS aspires to act responsibly when we carry passangers and freight on our ships and provide transport and logistics solutions to manufacturers.
![Photo of the side of DFDS ship with a tugmaster in front DFDS test 133[4]](https://images.ctfassets.net/mivicpf5zews/2KYGpMNZvkMvcbiR7Z1V0n/fe517ebdab64dff9f5cdc46734b25b74/DFDS_test_133-4-.jpg?q=75)
Governance and policies
Our policies for corporate governance, diversity and remuneration are continuously evaluated with due consideration to current legislation, practice and recommendations.

At DFDS we always put people first, and that starts with our own. Regular employee surveys reveal a high sense of loyalty to the company – a reflection of the importance we place on training and development.