1: Remember to get Movement Reference Numbers
For export from the UK to the EU, you and your driver need to have Movement Reference Numbers (MRNs) for export declarations for each consignment.
For export from the EU to the UK, you also need Movement Reference Numbers (MRN) for export declarations for each consignment.
You will usually get the MRNs from your customer or his agent. Without MRNs, the driver will not be able to enter the terminal. The MRNs are proof that the export/transit customs documents are logged in the customs system.

2: Safety & Security Declarations for transports to and from the EU
According to current regulation, the carrier or his agent must log a Safety & Security Declaration in the customs system for each consignment when transporting goods to and from the EU. Proof of this will also be an MRN. The UK has waived the mandatory submission of Safety & Security Declaration in the customs system for each consignment when transporting goods to and from the EU upon entry to the UK until 1 July 2021. We will therefore not ask you to provide this information for Imports to the UK during this period. As we move closer to July 1 and processes are in place, we will look to update all customers on the requirements and procedures to be put in place.
Since our initial presentation, the UK has waived the mandatory submission of Exit Summary Declarations (EXS) until 1 April 2021. We will therefore not ask you to provide this information for some exports during this period including empty units and units carrying empty packaging.

3: Remember Cargo Accompanying Documents for inspections
You may need the relevant physical documents (commercial invoices and certificates and licenses) to accompany the cargo. These must be provided to you by your customer or his agent. Please inform your drivers that he will need those for inspections at the border. These may be included:
- Transit accompanying documents (TAD)
- Commercial invoices
- Possible certificates and licenses
If the goods are of animal origin, or fruit and vegetables, there will normally be phytosanitary or veterinary inspections at special Border Inspection Points in or near the port. This will be implemented in a phased approach in the UK but will be implemented from 1st January 2021 in EU ports.
For most other goods, there may occasionally be inspections.

Special requirements for transport via DFDS Rotterdam (Vlaardingen)
When transporting via Vlaardingen, your export cargo (transport) must be booked in the Port Base via the web login. If you do not have one, please apply here.

Special requirements for transport via DFDS Gothenburg
When transporting via Gothenburg, your export and import declaration per consignment will be reconciled through a customs management setup. Further details will follow.
Are you an exporter/importer of goods?
View the Brexit checklist for exporters and importers working with DFDS.
English Channel
Access the checklist for freight ferry customers on the English Channel.

All drivers will also need a passport or valid ID card to cross the border, regardless of nationality or port of entry.
Q&A: Your top Brexit questions answered
What changed when the UK left the EU on December 31, 2020? What's done to avoid congestion and slow check-in at ports? Do unaccompanied trailers require a Security & Safety declaration?
Read the detailed answers to all your questions on how to best prepare your business for UK border control.
Leave customs to us
As an EU certified AEO customs operator in many European countries you don’t have to be a customs specialist yourself – leave it to us. Simply get in touch with us and we’ll handle your customs declarations in your own language and in due time.

Useful links
Customs tariffs, INCOTERMS, VAT rules in the EU and the UK, EORI number, HS Classification: find it all on our Useful Links page, including relevant UK and EU government websites.