Famous places in Sweden

What to visit in Swden?
You've probably seen or at least heard about the charming appeal of Gamla Stan, Stockholm's cobbled Old Town, steeped in history and full of uniqueness. It's one of the most iconic places in the country (and one of the most photographed and published), but it has some serious competition – Sweden is a country full of scenic spots, you just have to know where to look.
From wild beaches to a mirrored treehouse nestled in a snowy boreal forest, there are places you'll want to capture and treasure forever.
Where to go
Fårö. Where do artists go for inspiration in Sweden? For one of the country's most famous creators, the legendary film director Ingmar Bergman, the answer was always Fårö, a tiny, promising Baltic island.
Smögenbryggan. Along the coast of Bohuslän, just over an hour from Gothenburg, you will find a beautiful coastal location. A 1,000m long wooden boardwalk is dotted with adorable candy-colored fishing lodges perched on pink-hued granite cliffs.
Ven. This quiet, car-free corner of Øresund between Sweden and Denmark is not only a charming idyll (as evidenced by the lovely red fishermen's cottages), but also has historical significance, as it is home to the world's first modern observatory, Tycho Brahe's Uraniborg.
Unexpected discoveries
Hägring Glass Church. It's not every day that you discover a beautiful sight amidst the muddy waters of the Vännäs bog. But in one of the world's longest art galleries (stretching 350 kilometers and surrounded by wetlands), you'll find the stunning Hagring Church. This one has sprouted here as one of the exhibits along with 12 other unique works of art.
Stockholm metro stations. It may seem strange or even surreal, but Stockholm's metro stations are a veritable gallery of breathtaking works of art. Beneath the Swedish capital lies an abundance of incredible frescoes, mosaics and even a petrified elm tree.
Glass cube. Scandinavians are known for their love of clean, minimalist architecture, and one of the best modern examples is hidden among the birch trees in northern Sweden. Virtually invisible to outsiders and accessible only by rope ladder, this mirrored treehouse floats above the forest floor and offers visitors a leafy, picturesque hideaway with 360-degree views and a wood-fired sauna.