
Visit Planetarium in Copenhagen
Planetarium is a perfect place to combine learning and entertainment for the whole family.
Watch amazing movies in a whole new way, watch the starry sky and take a walk through the exhibit. At Planetarium you get to experience nature and the universe up close, and learn more about the planet we live on.

The dome hall
This hall contains Northern Europe's largest dome dish of a total of 1000 square meters. That is, the screen starts in the front and continues over the head of the audience. This facilitates a truly unique experience where you can witness astronauts floating in the air...
The films that appear are about the universe, space travel, stories of the origins of the earth, the discoveries of space probes through time and much more

Little Hall and the Active Universe
In the Litle Hall it is possible to catch short 3D movies that are played several times a day.
After the movie viewing, you can enter "Made in Space", which is the permanent exhibition of the planetarium. But despite being permanent, it is also always up-to-date. The exhibition Made in Space answers one of life's very big questions: "Where do we come from?". We take a closer look at life's recipe, and to find the cosmic ingredients, we focus on both the Big Bang, the stars and the black holes.
Read more about the exhibition.

Tycho Brahe Planetarium saw the light of day in November 1989.
The founders were the married couple Bodil and Helge Pedersen, who had long dreamed of giving people the opportunity to experience the universe of astronomy. The idea of making the planetarium arose when Bodil and Helge witnessed a solar eclipse in Java.
They donated a total of NOK 50 million to the Urania Fund, which was given the task of building the planerium. The construction took two years and it was Queen Margrethe herself who inaugurated the opening.
The planetarium is named after the famous astronomer Tycho Brahe who in his time made groundbreaking astronomical observations.